Friday, February 09, 2007

For the Record: The Return

I had a moment here and wanted to post a few thoughts. [Note to reader: If you are reading my thoughts you must have a moment or two as well. Thanks For stopping.]

I have a split in my left hand middle finger finger nail and have had for about two years. I should have it looked at by a medical professional. [Note to reader: I most likely will not have it looked at unless the nail splits all the way back in which case I will blame a yet to be named source for my misfortune as is customary in my nation.]

I have started working out at the gym with some frequency and so far have enjoyed the results. [Note to reader: As is the case whenever enjoy something I have decided it is the right thing to do and will, without provocation, try to influence others to follow suit.]

I read where the Republicans in the House are all yiped up about the jet the new Speaker is using to make her cross country trips. They are saying that it is too expensive and creates too much pollution. [Note to reader: Too expensive and creates too much pollution is the cornerstone of Republican philosophy.]

Anna Nicole Smith died at 39 years old. At this time I do not know how she died and am not too broken up over her passing. I am a gasp that she has gotten more press in her passing than did the God Father of Soul, the Hardest Working Man in Show Business, James Brown.[Note to reader: Ours is not to judge how this woman lived her life and if you are, shame on you.]


Blogger Simply Minded said...

I see.

The guy who sits next to me at work keeps his work area kind of messy. I happened to look his way just now and there is a pencil lying on the floor with the clip chewed off.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna Nicole was prettier than James Brown. That's why she got more press.

10:05 AM  

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