Sick list
I tell you all, I am sick and tired of people. I am sick of people on the left right and middle. I am sick of closed minded know-nothings and open minded know-it-alls and everyone in between. I am sick of white walls and tan carpet and red doors and orange siding. I am sick of old farms turned into half million dollar houses stacked one on top of another and all looking the same. I am sick of government housing that looks like Beirut after the Israelis left. I am sick of stores that don't carry pants in long sizes for big guys. I am sick of $100.00 blue jeans and the people that wear them. I am sick of gay men telling women what's hot. I am sick of seeing men portrayed a oafish slobs on TV. I am sick of people telling other people what a marriage is or is not. I am sick of gay white men acting like ghetto-fabulous black women. I am sick of bad advice from good people. I am sick of major league sports and all the money. I am sick of the TSA and search of my shoes. I am sick of bird flue and the scare you shitless method of governing we have allowed ourselves, no not allowed, chosen to be involved with and the people who bitch about at bars and on talk radio. I am sick Alex Trebec without his lip hair. I am sick of mandatory bike helmets and seat belts. I am sick of no driver check up for the aged. I am sick of turning without the signal. I am sick of cell phones that don't work. I am sick of grocery store flyers in my mailbox. I am sick of gum on the sidewalk and piss on the toilet seat. I am sick of catering to the lowest common denominator.
But I am very happy to be here and allowed to belch forth my sick list, and oh yeah,
I am sick of writing on my blog.
I'm sick because all I ate for dinner is peanutbutter fudge.
I don't know about all those other things, but I'm with you on the Alex Trebek.
I am sick of people who think everyone can pull themselves up by their boot straps. If everyone could and did that it would collapse our economy.
I am also sick of people who celebrate Christmas but don't believe in Christ. Hello, His name is right in the title. Why bother? Save your money.
Well you know Sharon, the menaing of my name is "Christ-like" and I don't believe in him. Does that mean I should not use my name?
Plus, what's Christian about a tree and presents? I'm not fronting with a nativitiy scene or anything.
i, the teacup poodle with a the heart of gold, am sick of people looking at me judgingly when i lick my peen. it's my peen and i'll lick wherever i like, whenever i feel the peen-licking urge. and do you know what else is tiresome?
Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. The presents come from the 3 wisemen who brought gifts to the Christ child. And your name reflects what your parents thought or liked not your beliefs.
And you are fronting because He is the reason for celebrating at all. As a non-believer why would you want to take part in anything that has to do with Him?
And really I don't believe in your disbelief. I think you know that Christ loves you and wants you to believe in Him. You are just fighting it because you think it's cool not to believe. And further I never put you down because you don't believe but you are a constant Christian basher and I am sick of it. So stop it! We can agree to disagree without anyone having to be put down because of their beliefs.
You are the one who instituted the honesty/frankness era.
What the hell are you talking about Sharon? Disagreeing with you on the basis of Christmas is in no way bashing Christians. And saying I don't believe is in no way insulting to those who do. So in what way am I attacking your beliefs?
I'm not talking about on this blog I am talking about conversations in general. Where you mention how stupid it is to believe
I am sick of when I type my name in caps on my identity, the computer does not recognize and puts me in all lower case letters. I am important and special (not special needs Ray)and deserve capitalization.
i'm sick of finding chunks of raisins in my poo. and they don't taste as good as when i originally ate them.
I am sick of eating raisin out of the dog poop in the lawn that I had to pick up.
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