Wednesday, September 21, 2005

How Sad

As I mentioned in my first post, I work with a gaggle of 23 year old Republican women. The sad part is, beyond them being Republican, is that they don't even understand what the core values of the party are, especially when concerning the social/religious platform.

For example....

The blonde on was a gasp because of some way too far right wing extreme "Christian" woman who sponsors the web sites god hates fags and god hates America. I have never checked these site myself, but have heard her gas several times on morning drive radio. Her main idea, as I see it, is based on a very literal interpretation of the bible mixed with some out of your mind kidding me ideas of her own. I guess she has mustered up about 100 other like minded people and they all meet and rail against others and continually remind them that they are going to hell. Everyone is going to hell for any number of reasons that most run of the mill Americans and Christians would not actually consider as damnable actions.

So, here is the sad part. The blonde did not know that, although drastic and even farther to the right, the god hates woman's message is frighteningly close the President's. She also tried to argue that religion had no place in American government because, " we have separations and stuff". She also thought I was out of line for blending religion and politics and how dare I . I said I have a degree in Poli Sci and therefore I was signed off on multi layered political discussions.

And in closing and summation, how can people be so convinced of a belief, such as political affiliation, without knowing the core values of what you are becoming affiliated with? I used to get upset with my fellow citizens for note voting. But maybe it is better to have the uninformed uninvolved?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Go For Team Blue Balls

A good time was had by all. Happy birthday "Buzzy" and thanks for the invite to your "come as your favorite sport thing party". Of the say 20 people there, four did come in costume, not including the host, which is just rude. Anyway. The BLUE BALLS were the hit of the party with to best dressed team on record. They were screwed in compation and walked away with a bottle of dollar store pancake syrup, which was a hard swallow straight from the bottle. The best part of the night was the ham fat eating contest between Curt and Ray. Ray won. Curt got sick and pasted out cold.
At any rate, the BLUE BALLS went to the party a made every effort to have fun. I did.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Woe to me

I am back at work after much "vacation". Sure we had a baby and all and that is great, but I need to relax. I am wiped out all the time. I wonder if I have the mono or some other energy robbing sickness that help me to an early grave. I guess it could be the bad diet of lack of normal exercise but I don't like to own my faults so I like outside forces at work better.
Doing the blog at work makes it hard for me to really think about too many hot bottom issues that I care about and would like to write vast Brennanesqe rants about, but instead...

I bought the 2000 Flushes bowl bleach and blue to make my pot smell clean and fresh. For a few days everything was fine and the potty water was deep blue and lovely. Then, things went wrong. It ended up that the bluing agent shrank quickly and fell into the pipe that runs between the tank and bowl and created and narrowing that halted the free flow of flushing water. Let me tell you it was no damned good. So, I had to use my grabby springy tool and remove the offending material and discard. The flush is returned to Bundy approved flow and that is fine. My real gripe is that we got like 20 flushes not 2000. How can they sell 2000 flushed and only give 20? I am now and forever more anti-tank tablets. I think they are like the Nazis of the toilet cleaning world.

I know it's not much, but chew on that.

Friday, September 09, 2005


I am back to work. Actually I am just at work, not exactly to work. But I digress. That is all I have. I am a touch sleepy after the big Clam Bake I went to last night for work with Mr. Helms. It was a bitching good time.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Introducing the New Mr. Bebout

There is a new Mr. Bebout in town. He arrived on Thursday September1, 2005 at 5:14 PM. He is perfect in everyway, but what else would you expect for the older Mr. Bebout and the ever fabulous Mrs. Bebout? I have included a photo taken moments after he arrived. I have not included photos of Mrs. Bebout as she found herself unkempt, but always good lucking, and I was fobade from doing so.
Mom and son are doing well. The grandparents are all quiver with excitement and I am proud as can be.
Thank you all for your well wishes and encouragements through out.