Thursday, June 29, 2006


I have heart burn from my Chipotle pulled pork w/ guacamole burrito. It burns.
The chick what buys snacks for our office got a bucket of animal crackers. Animal crackers are not crackers at all, but bad cookies. The Mrs. is a fan bad cookies like lorna dune and hits with frosting. The Mrs. also likes good cookies. I tell you no cookie is safe in our house.
I wonder if the animal cracker gave me the heart burn. I should take a Rolaid or some baking soda in warm water.
I know my grandpa always had heart burn. He burped a lot and alway took a Rolaid. I have had heart burn regularly since high shcool. I take Zantac quite a bit. I don't know how he could put up with constant heart burn with only Rolaids to help. He was a lot tougher than I am I guess.
The warm water with baking soda is on the box. It works well if you have gas pain. I have had gas pains that made my teeth hurt. I can see how people confuse a gas for a heart attack because it hurts like hell. After my firend Ralbert had a heart attack I was convinced that I was haivng one too until I burped and felt better. Then I thought I had had one, but was just so tough that I pulled through on my own and Ralbert was a whimp for going to the hospital.
Then, I had another burp and just kind of moved on in my mind about gas and heart attacks.
But this heart burn is a pain in the neck. Literally. I am off for over the counter medicine. I think there is the new Tums in the kitchen at work. That should do the trick for now.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sad Day In Deed

It has been our, the Mrs. and I, plessure to open our new house up on Friday nights to our friends. And by house I mean the garage and the guest bathroom.
This past Firday we had some old friends come by and some new friends too. We had margatitas a plenty and although I was, and am still, in pain from a bad back and two bad teeth, I think it was a good time overall.
The bad time, however, has left a bad taste in my mouth that has nothing to do with the infection in my molars. I am conflicted to report on what went on. I myself have been known to get rowdy with drink, but I think I must say something here.
The fact is that our guests, and not all to be sure, took actions at our house that were rude and disrepectful to my family. As a result, we wil no longer be inviting people over. It is sad because one of my greatest hopes was that our house would be a place where our friends could come and have fun. But this hope, in the space of one evening, has been squashed.
Not only have these actions ruined my good time but have also put into question how I feel about people. Why would people be so disrespecful? Why would they think what they did would be OK especially after I made it very clear that it was not fucking OK? This is our home and I don't care if people see things differently. I am not inclined to be accomodating to others views in general on things have only a passing interest in.
For the people who came by and did not piss in my, or my neighbor's yard I am sorry and thanks for coming by. For those who did, I am sad. I would not do the same at your house, especially after you had made it good and fucking god damed clear that it would not be OK.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Moving On Up

NOTE: I am posting so as to be relocated to a better position on the best list on the interweb.

I am a fan of politics but I am not a fan of current events as a course of study. While I was in college I was often amused by my fellow students who would rattle off a laundry list of names and figures with the idea that they had learned something. I suppose ifyou consider politics a science, this may be the case.
I was more interested in the why something happened or will or may, and not so much about the data. I must admit I always figured I'd have somene else to check my figures and spelling and what not. It was the point that was of importance.
So, I do not pretend to know all the names of all the players in any current happening, and I am fine with that, as long as someone does.

So, anyway... The military in Iraq managed to kill one of the leaders of the opposition. Reports came out like cock roaches with the lights off that the military had struck a massive blow and the end was in sight. This went on for nearly one full week before the news and evidently the administration realized that like our own system, one person does not the system make.
Really? I am agasp. You mean to say that this is not one person versus the US/West/Capitalism?

I have to say that if you thought that the death of one person would make a significant change to this cluster fuck, you should quit thinking as you are not good at it.
This is a fight over root beliefs. The only only only only way to make this better is to make every effort possible to reach some common ground. To not always act like the empire making shit fucks they think we are. To not make bold racist claims and take bold racisit actions at home and abroad. OH MY GOD!! We are so fucking screwed.
I have said it before, and as repitition is one of my favorite retorical tools, I will say it again, Anyone who voted for Bush, especially the second time, is a moron. You share in the deaths of everyone that has been killed in this bullshit "war" and you should either vote as I tell you, or not vote at all as it is obvious that you are incapable of making good decisions.

None today.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I got a new PC at work, where I post. Included with this new unit is increased security and a general screw to my prior settings. This being said, I can longer run spell check on blogger, nor can I write in word and transfer the stuff here.
So deal with the misspellings or read something else. I also want to know how to track the number of people who come through and I know there is way, I just don't know the way. Such is my life.
Things are going well in las casa de Bebout. The Mrs is looking for a more fulfilling situation for 9 to 5. Her off hours are perfect, and I should know. The Younger continues to grow and learn new things. He is a tressure and I am happy everyday b/c of him. My job is similar to most peoples as I feel overworked and underpaid. I think of finding a new job, but fear change to a new situation that will end up the same as where I am now. I mean things could clow up here and I am positioned to grow with. I could go somewhere else and lay stagnite for years until I die of a stroke.
All things considered our governemnt and admin. are for shit. A note to the Repubs and conservs in the room: When ever the Bush mentions a civil or social issue, it is b/c he is fucking up something that is actually important. Your ability to join in with his red scare of the day is proof of your small minded follow the leader mind set. A shame really.
I know that may be harsh, to say people aren't too bright b/c of their political leanings, but come on. You people voted for this dude twice. You knew what you were getting and still chose him on the gorunds of gay weddings. You have done a disservice to your fellow citizen.
And speaking of citizens... when did this matter so much. People have been rushing the border since there was a border. The whole thing reminds me of the a Nazi ploy used pre WWII. They would point out all the bad things in Germany and then point to the Jews. They call this scape goating. It is a way to avoid the real problem. It is a bait and switch, a flim flam, a scam. Everyone who thinks this is a current top issue needs not vote for you are a moron.
I am aware that there are economic factors in play on both sides, but I think they are the free under coating on an as is 72 Gremlinsale, in that they just don't matter when you look at the whole car. If the tires, engine, transmission, body, brakes, exhaust, etc are is disrepair, protecting the already rsuted under body helps nothing.
I have greatly decreased my intake of cold and wonderful Diet Coke. I was a pack a day guy for years. I am down to only one or tow while I'm out now. It is a rough row to hoe, but I find that soda water with a lime or lemon helps. I have tried iced tea when things get stressful but I like to keep that down too.
Well I am off to Costco for bulk items. I love it there.