Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Dick and the Gun

Our VP shot someone. I posted part of this on Stephanie's blog and wanted to put it here too:

The GOP spin doctors have been trying to blame the guy who got shot. What with all their He didn't announce he was there bullshit.
When you're hunting you are supposed to be quiet. I think more likely he did announce he was there and the Dicker shot him for messing up hi quail hunting.
Then they tried to say the sun was behind him and the Dicker couldn't see him.
So if this is the case, and I am no hunter, it sounds to me like the Dicker had no idea where his buddy was when he shot. So you have to ask why did he shoot? He knew how many were in the party and he knew one was missing. As far as I can tell, with this information, the Dicker did not have a safe shooting situation. I think it shows indifference and negligence and that he should, at the very least be forbidden form every touching a firearm again as he has proven that he is not able to do properly.

In addition, he should be put out of the NRA as the worst example of effective gun and hunter safety training. I don't know Dick's position with the NRA and the gun lobby, but I guess as a fat cat Repub asshole he has to be deep in it. I guess so deep he thought he had to shoot his way out.

I mean he shot a guy. Bill shot an intern in the mouth and she was working the trigger and look at all the trouble he got in. I bet Dick walks away without so much as having to pay the hospital bills.
Maybe this is just sour grapes, but come on. He shot someone. IF shot someone I would be in jail, or at least investigated regardless of the extent of the damage.
And his defense, "the sun was in my eyes"? And we let this pass? Where is the the uproar? Why is it that the only people in the media involved in this story are just making jokes about it, like he did no more than throw up raw fish on the guy. HE SHOT SOMEONE!!! It was with a real gun and everything and the guy was wounded and had a heart attack. The idiot shot someone under suspicious circumstance. One OTOH most powerful people in the world shot someone and it is not being looked into because of his the sun was in my eye defense.


Blogger Stacy Cane said...

excellent points. and why did the white house and the VP's office get to control how and when the story was released?

6:45 PM  
Blogger Mr. Bebout said...

And how does the VP say this is my only comment on the deal, and that he gets to give the news to Fox?
Fair and balanced my hairy ass.
At the very least he should have reported it to the police ASAP. How did the guy get to the hospital? Was there no 911 call? Did they stuff himn in the back of the VP's SUV and roll him out at the ER door?
I mean if you call 911 and report a guy was shot, the police show up. It's just how things go.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SS, I mean Secret Service took care of it. But you are right, it is just another example of how this administration is able to operate above the law and spin it to be someone else's fault if they get caught. They are genius in that regard only.

10:08 AM  

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