Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Stolen From Tam

I thought you would all like to know me this much more and what better way than one of these interweb poles? So, read and learn a little bit about me, Mr. Bebout.

Taken a picture naked? No. I don't like to have my picture taken to begin with. There are some bath time photos my mom took of me in the early 70's, but I didn't think they were of the nature this question was concerned with.

Made out with a member of the same sex? No. I did kiss Powers on New Years Eve. It was dry and closed mouth but his date was concerned. I thought it was funny as hell b/c the next year he got a kiss from a tranny at a gay bar at midnight. So the real question is why was he at a gay bar on NYE?

Danced in front of your mirror? Yes. My moves take practice damn it.

Told a lie? Yes. Alright no I have never lied. Oops now I have lied again. Or have I?

Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes. It was called a cop car and I had no choice in the matter at that point.

Been in a fist fight? Yes. It has been some time and I did not like it very much.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Yes. I have hated so many and they have all loved me.

Been arrested? Yes. It was BS, although I was guilty as charged, it was still BS.

Left your house without telling your parents? Yes. I am grown now and have my own house. For a time I did call mom in the morning before work, but she tired of it and asked me to stop.

Ditched school to do something more fun? Yes. I do not think I was in attendance one full day of my senior year. I also went ot Kent and was under the impression that classes were optional.

Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes. Hey, I got bills.

Seen someone die? No.

Kissed a picture? Yes. Not in a sexy way.

Slept in until 3? Yes. I worked 3rd shift.

Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yes. I did work for Summer's Eve and it was in the script.

Played dress up? Yes. Sometime a man just wants to feel pretty.

Fallen asleep at work/school? Work,Yes School, Yes. I worked 3rd shift and thought classes were optional. I was not always the stand up guy I am today.

Felt an earthquake? Yes. I was in 7th grade math class and saw the wall crack. It was not as exciting as in the movies.

Touched a snake? Yes. With my shoe to stomp on it.

Ran a red light? Yes. On accident, I thought it was a stop sign.

Had detention? Yes. See previous comments about ditching.

Been in a car accident? Yes. "I love front wheel drive. Just look how it holds the road." We have never forgiven Rosey Palm.

Pole danced? Yes. but just for money while I worked my way through college.

Been lost? Yes. But then I met Mrs. Bebout.

Sang karaoke? Yes. "How's everybody doin' tonight?"

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes .

Laughed until something you were drinking/eating came out your nose? Yes. To much liquid has shot ourt my nose during a laugh to recall them all. I do however recall in great detail the chuncks of half chewed onion rings. Things were not as funny after that.

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes. See comments about cloud watching

Kissed in the rain? Yes. Spring time in Ohio does not leave enough dry days to be choosey. I gots to get mine you know.

Sang in the shower? Yes. Like my dance, I must practice my song.

Got your tongue stuck to a pole? No. I don't give a dman how many times they show that crap movie with Messy Marvin, I never fell for it.

Ever gone to school partially naked? No. Although one time, before it was cool to do so, I bent forward and half my ass popped out of my Lee Riders much to my shagrin.

Sat on a roof top? Yes. I even sang "Up on the Roof" on a roof top.

Played chicken? Yes. No with a train like Cowboy Troy, and I don't know for a fact that the other guy was playing.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No. Who wears ALL their clothes at once?

Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Yes. Strippers are very friendly ladies.

Broken a bone? Yes. Mixing bowl + index finger = pain.

Mooned/flashed someone? Mooned,Yes. Flashed, Yes. I am driven to give my fans what they want.

Forgotten someone's name? Yes. But I can't recall who that was.

Slept naked? Yes. Some of my best memories are of being naked in bed.

Blacked out from drinking? No. I have gotten very sleepy and quite quickly, to say the truth, but... I wouldn't call it a "blackout".

Played a prank on someone? Yes. "Kelly Rippa" bitches.

Felt like killing someone? No. I am too cute for prison.

Made a parent cry? Yes. And then asked if she wanted me to give her something to cry about.

Cried over someone? Yes.

Had sex more than 5 times in one day? Yes. Does this mean onl patrner sex? Anyways.. Um Oh yeah I am aking between the sheets. 5 times everyday. Before noon. If I am sleepy.

Had/Have a dog? ? Had, Yes
Been in a band? No
Drank 25 sodas in a day? No
Shot a gun? Yes


Blogger Curt said...

ya know, it's funny cuz I have a picture of you completely naked in front of your mom's mirror dancing with a stripper that you were making out with earlier that night before you got drunk and passed in jail.

4:54 AM  
Blogger Mr. Bebout said...

That doesn't count b/c ... Well it just doesn't

7:56 AM  
Blogger Tam said...

"Who wears all their clothes all at once?" Homeless, Dave.


4:15 PM  
Blogger Mr. Bebout said...

Yes the homeless might be people who wear all their clothes at once. I am just saying, that I do not.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Stacy Cane said...

hey, where is Front Street? Gone?

9:45 AM  
Blogger Mr. Bebout said...

She shit canned the whole thing. I guess it just wasn't for her.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Tam said...

No pictures of Sharon? Her blog is gone? Hmm

2:37 PM  

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