Thursday, September 28, 2006

Blow Me

I feel the winds of change blowing and I do not refer to the Scorpions' song. As I get older and more involved I have less time and inclination for certain nouns and I am finding that I am OK with that.
I find that change is easier when you do not fight it, much like falling down stairs. Ususally, once you start you can do little to stop and are better served by going limp and preparing for the landing.
Also, please check out the Keith Oberman editorial about the bush and fox "news". It made me feel enpowered and happy, and a little bit mad that it took this long for someone to say what he said. Olbermann blasts Bush and Fox News

Monday, September 25, 2006

Nothing to Report

I have nothing to report. Have you got anything to report? If so, report it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


We just found out that the Younger is allergic to peanuts. It is sad as I thought he'd eat nothing but PB&J. Now he can only have J. Who the hell wants a jelly sandwich? I think the only thing sadder than a jelly sandwich is a butter sandwich.
I make the best PB &J sandwiches in the history of them. Now I will have to eat them all myself while he looks at me with sad eyes and some bullshit jelly sandwich.
It is also scary that he die from a peanut. I suppose anyone could, choking or some misguided peanut gun, but just eating one? It is very scary to think of your child as fragile. It is daunting to think how aware the Mrs and I need to be without being "those" parents that rasied "that" kid.
"Those" parents that send a note with the kid when he goes to a friends house. "That" kid who warns his friends parents of his peanut allergy in the same breath that he says "How do you do?"

Friday, September 08, 2006

Once Again

In a Senate report that came out today, no relationship was found, of any type, between Saddam's Iraq and al-queda. The Bush has said time and again that there was and used it as one of the reasons for the war. When does this dude have to say he is sorry for screwing the country? How long will he be allowed to go on sending people to be killed for no reason? How many times are he and his goones going to lie to us before we can say e-fucking-nough?
His actions are crimnal and nothing is done about it. He should be put on trial for murder as he has taken actions that have lead to the deaths of thousands of people.
I say it is time that he reaps what he has sown. He and his pack should be ousted post haste and replaced with a can of mushroom soup. I know wha tyou may be thinking, " How can a can of mushroom soup run the country?" I don't think a can of soup, mushroom or otherwise, couls actually run the government, but I am sure that a can of soup could not send people to be killed.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I was on vacation and didn't think to stop the fun and fill you all in. Let's just say the Bebouts know how to party.
We started on Monday with awell overdue landscaping party and finished with a picnic at MDB. (Again he has nice parties and we enjoyed being there. It is nice sometimes to see you friends in the light of day without the haze of booze. You get a much clearer idea of what your friends really look like.)
In between we lazed about, played dress up with Beau Bridges and prepared our joint for the Younger's 1st birdthday party. ( Thanks to everyone who sent cards and well wishes. I am sure in his own way the Younger got a lot out of it, I know it ment a lot to the Mrs. and I.)
We had grandparents and a couple aunts an uncle a cousin over and the Younger smashed cake all over. He walked around the house and climbed the stairs enough to wear both grandmothers out.
We both had some car trouble which defeated us from piching up the rest of our basement furniture from the in-laws, but it also saved us from having to carry it and risk another injury the Mrs.
Speaking of, we celebrated our third anniversary last night. It was much like every other wonderful day except this time I ordered the pizza. Mrs. Bebout is everything I could have ever wished for and I love her very much. She is a great wife and mother and a great person too.