A Surge in Idiocy
I did not listen to Bush on the TV last night. I already knew what he would say and that it would be bullshit. I saved myself the aggravation and enjoyed the company of friends and family.
The point of the title here is this. The in troops will lower the violence in Iraq. It is the same logic that more police on the freeway will lessen the inclination to speed. Nobody wants to get caught when up to their nasty business.
But where I find the real idiocy is that at the same time we are told the surge is working we are told that troops are coming home. How can it be that the surge has fixed the problems in Iraq? Has the addition of several thousand troops to the area erased generations of turmoil between the factions and the fractions of factions and now everyone will just get along? I doubt it.
I think I have mentioned it before, but I am mad at the people who voted for this dolt, especially a second time, for what common sense should have told them would be a mistake. He is a man of limited imagination and runs at a deficit in honor. He is a smear on the good name, such as it was, of the United States and sullies our futures in the world.
I am reminded of stories of ancient Rome, where idiots and incompetents were placed in high position solely on their name, much to the ruin of the as then greatest empire the world had known. It is sad in deed for us all.
The point of the title here is this. The in troops will lower the violence in Iraq. It is the same logic that more police on the freeway will lessen the inclination to speed. Nobody wants to get caught when up to their nasty business.
But where I find the real idiocy is that at the same time we are told the surge is working we are told that troops are coming home. How can it be that the surge has fixed the problems in Iraq? Has the addition of several thousand troops to the area erased generations of turmoil between the factions and the fractions of factions and now everyone will just get along? I doubt it.
I think I have mentioned it before, but I am mad at the people who voted for this dolt, especially a second time, for what common sense should have told them would be a mistake. He is a man of limited imagination and runs at a deficit in honor. He is a smear on the good name, such as it was, of the United States and sullies our futures in the world.
I am reminded of stories of ancient Rome, where idiots and incompetents were placed in high position solely on their name, much to the ruin of the as then greatest empire the world had known. It is sad in deed for us all.
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