Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I Rule !

A little while ago my buddy/coworker Steinmetz introduced me to Golden Tee 2005. At first I was awful, but with practice and Steinmetz's instruction and guidance, I improved. I played 18 today at lunch and finished 8 under, my best score ever. Not only my best score, but the best score on the course I played, and (it gets better) I got the best shot points.
Now I understand that some may not believe this story of Golden Tee dominance, so I snapped a few photos. You will note that my stats are higher than the course records as I was on fire.

Busy Busy Busy

I am busy figuring out how to put a title on my posts. I feel like I just discovered something cool but it is actually pedestrian. I am not a techo kind of guy.
The times they are a changing. The Bebouts are in the last leg of a 10 plus month advaeture that leads to a lifetime of new and exciting times. I dropped Beau Bridges off this morning at dog school. He will with the owners until Friday at least while Mrs Bebout and I go to hospital. I said that like the British do because I love their accents.
So there are many of you that will expect a phone call sometime Thursday. Many of you may be disappointed as I am in charge of phone calls and have planned already to neglect my duties in favor of staring dreamily at my new son and wife.
We do plan to have some people over on Sunday to look at the boy and tell us how wonderful he is, depending on Mrs Bebout's willingness to suffer visitors.
If you don't get a call from us directly, know that it is not you, or a sign of our affection for you, but just my overwhelming self interest. If you do get a call, know that I expect a cash payment for being in one the news.

Regardless, thanks to all our friends for all your well wishes and support and we will see you in 18 years.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Another day and I am still at work. We have a firm baby date now and that is good becuase I have been on orange alert for a month and at the end of my rope. Mrs Bebout is the best though. She is a lot more relaxed than me and she the hard part. I am sure it will all be OK. I have a lot of photos of her from this weekend (thanks to Amy and Brian for dinner) but I don't have a waiver from Mrs Bebout so you can only guess how cool they are.
On a more important note, why do I keep eating Cheetos? I mean the obvious reason is the great cheese-like salty flavor, but the orange fingers and subsequent pants and what have you? I think Cheetos sales would increase ten fold if they could keep the cheese coating on the snack and off the snacker. At his point though, I munch on.

Monday, August 29, 2005

This is photo of my feet. Enjoy.

Friday, August 26, 2005

This was me this morning before going to the sausage McMuffin joint. All smiles and good wishes. Then I met Bev A. She was nice enough to chip in a penny for me to avoid the $0.99 I would have received in change had she not. For this I said a heart felt thank you and began to wait for my food. As she got me the diet coke I ordered in the correct size cup she began to tell me how she always gives a penny and sometimes more and how all the people she helps are always grateful. Now I began to become annoyed. In the next few minutes Bev A mouthed on as though she was chewing tar and was unable stop about the damned penny she offered up. I began to think that I would have been better off with the $0.99 and some peace and quiet. It went on and on to the point that I was upended about the whole thing.
I think an honest thank you for a penny is an equitable exchange. But for 5 minutes of droning about spare change I feel I was cheated. As I left the joint with my bahg of food I did not return Bev A's have a nice day and left to the rest of my morning in an entirely different frame of mind as evidenced by the following photographic dramatization.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

To maintain a happy home...

I have attached a Beau Bridges picture form when he was very small and lovable.

If you're in the mood for a good time, check out Switchblade Sisters.. Some of the finest youth angst drama that 1975 had to offer.

Kristen showed me how to add photos. This is Mrs. Bebout and Beau Bridges. He was a lot smaller then. This was taken a year ago at least. I might get some new photos but for right now I was just happy to remember how to add one after the 40's of the High Life.

I am always confounded by my inability to know when I have had enough beer. I don't know if it is mood or what, but sometimes I just don't have a good meter on enough, or in many cases too much. As I get older, these occasions become fewer and farther in between, but then out of the blue, whammo.

I think the best part of this picture is the sock and sandals.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

So it is Tuesday and the baby is not here. It is nerve racking for me. For Sharon it is another day without the pain and disfigure of child birth on her delicates. I understand her trepidation, but at this point I just want to see the boy.
Sharon may say my enthusiasm for child birth, in this case at least, is related to the weeks vacation I have been needing that will arrive with the stork. This may be partly true, but mostly not.
additionally, what goes on with cell phones? I was off yesterday with private appointments and my cell phone rang all day. This is to be expected as it rings without end on mot Mondays. The problem was, and is, that l drop almost as many calls as I don't. How can our modern life depend on technology that works for shit? If your natural gas lines leaked just because we couldn't get it right, we'd have kept using wood and coal. But with cell phones we accept that the damned things don't work. And let's not get me started on the oh so convenient voice recognition. What bullshit. How it can't tell the difference between Frank and Joe is a mystery that I guess will be us through the ages. Everything I use this function I remind myself of Mr. Scott in Star Trek IV when the crew comes back to the 1980's and he is trying to do computer work and he says, " Computer" and nothing happens. Of course he goes on to type and a furious speed and gets the same results. I usually end up cussing my phone out first then scrolling for the information manually.

Friday, August 19, 2005

This is my first post. How friggin' exciting. I just had a long discussion with the twenty something women in my office. Their claim was that in times of "war", racial profiling was needed to ensure security. I was discusted but unable to open their minds to the wrong headed ignorace of their argument.
I tried to explain that after evry occasion of systemic racial profiling during "crisis" or national outcry, as the case may be, the society as whole has had to appologize and realized that the profiling did not add to security and only aided in the enemies claims that our system of governemtn was an abomination to the natural order.